Business overview

SRI-CONNECT is the online research and communications network for the sustainable investment industry.  It has >6,500 members (including >850 from listed companies) is free to join and is open to those with professional exposure to the sustainable investment value chain - including IROs and senior CSR managers.

Sustainable investor relations services

Many of SRI-CONNECT's sustainable investor relations services are free - see here for SRI-CONNECT's services for companies.

The network's position as the central research and communications hub for sustainable investment enables us to support companies with investor and analyst targeting and with the organisation of sustainability results webinars and roadshows.

Likewise the network's position as the hub for industry research enables us to understand the issues of primary interest to investors and analysts - thereby enabling us to help companies develop and position their sustainability messaging for investors.



Mike Tyrrell, Editor

Actions supported by SRI-CONNECT