cometis AG

cometis AG

Business overview

cometis AG is a leading IR & ESG specialist consultancy in Germany. With over 20 years of know-how in capital market communications, we constantly set new standards in Investor Relations, with competent local contacts in all relevant financial markets in Europe and beyond. Relying on a broad skillset in both financial and non-financial communication approaches, we support our clients in reaching their ambitious IR goals.

Sustainable investor relations services

  • ESG Strategy: Aside from client-tailored ESG Workshops we offer individual ESG strategy consultancy services to provide clients with a clear-cut roadmap on how to get their ESG efforts kick-started.
  • ESG (Rating) Advisory: What to report on? With our ESG Rating & Peergroup analysis clients get a clearer picture on what ESG data they should collect and provide – and how to do it in the most efficient way possible, including support in ESG project management.
  • ESG Analysis: What do your stakeholders want? We analyze this, among other things, by looking at investment guidelines and voting polices and by conducting a thorough ESG materiality analysis with direct stakeholder involvement.
  • ESG Reporting: Once all relevant data is collected, the growing demands by different stakeholders for a structured ESG have to be met. With 20 years of capital market reporting expertise, we are able to provide competent support for ESG reports, websites, presentations, factsheets and other relevant formats.
  • ESG Investor Access: We help clients with the organization and preparation of ESG Roadshows to convince potential and existing investors of the company’s equity story in a direct exchange. We identify and approach potential ESG investors, organize the roadshows (virtually and in-person) and prepare clients for ESG-focused conference calls.


Justus Fischer, ESG consultant

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