Strategy & planningFAQs

How much time should companies spend on ESG/SRI investor relations?

Companies that are already actively involved in sustainability communications to investors can realistically (we believe) be looking to spend about half as much time on ESG/SRI investor relations as they currently do - provided that they take control and improve the efficiency of their process significantly. Overall, companies…

How much time should companies spend on ESG/SRI investor relations?


… should be looking to limit their sustainable investment communications (each year) to:

  • the time it takes to produce a comprehensive report on their sustainability exposures and management strategies
  • a week to communicate directly on these impacts with the investors that hold their shares and the analysts that cover them
  • ad hoc events over the course of the year if they want to engage investors in specific issues or if positive developments or controversies occur

(Note: companies with sustainability exposures that impact their financial performance with frequency or at a significant level should aim to do communicate more than this)